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the famous "End Of the
This life size image is cut out of 1/4"
iron this time instead of 14 ga.

will be the 6th cutout added to my
Indian Village. I plan
on having approximately 30 cutouts total.

As I finished putting the red primer on the
buffalo I looked out of my rear shop window as I do many times during
the day to view the live entertainment I have the privilege to watch on
occasion such as deer, fox, coyotes, eagles, turkeys and a few more
critters. Well today there were 4 deer, I got my camera and spotting
scope set up to take the picture. The deer were 325 yards away so I had
to use the full zoom through the spotting scope to capture this photo of
a yearling deer. I then downloaded it in my computer and cut it out of
metal and put a primer coat on it.

10 foot tall Eagle in flight
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